Don’t Let Your Comfort Becomes Your Enemy to Prevent You Live Your Dream Life

Steal from my personal life

Drthefit | Ankita
6 min readJun 18, 2023
Photo by Andrew Wise on Unsplash

Work-Life Balance

Since the start of remote work in 2020, the workstyle has undergone a complete transformation.

It’s difficult to discern when the traditional 9-to-5 job turned into a 24/7 commitment.

Working in your pajamas, enjoying an extra 30 minutes of sleep, and eliminating the daily commute may seem like the epitome of comfort.

However, this newfound convenience comes at a price.

The expectation of constant availability has become a burden.

  • If you don’t respond within seconds on Teams or Slack, people resort to emailing or calling you immediately on your phone.
  • Meetings are scheduled during your lunch break or super early mornings, even if it’s practically impossible for you to wake up solely to accommodate individuals in different time zones.
  • The incessant demand to do more stems from the fact that your productivity and dedication may not be fully recognized or appreciated.

All of this contributes to a mental discomfort that presents an entirely different narrative.



Drthefit | Ankita

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: